DATE Save the Date 17 to 19 April 2023

Dear DATE community,

We, the DATE Sponsors Committee (DSC) and the DATE Executive Committee (DEC), are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragedy currently unfolding in Ukraine, and we would like to express our full solidarity with all the people and families affected by the war.

Our thoughts also go out to everyone in Ukraine and Russia, whether they are directly or indirectly affected by the events, and we extend our deep sympathy.

We condemn Russia’s military action in Ukraine, which violates international law. And we call on the different governments to take immediate action to protect everyone in that country, particularly including its civilian population and people affiliated with its universities.

Now more than ever, our DATE community must promote our societal values (justice, freedom, respect, community, and responsibility) and confront this situation collectively and peacefully to end this nonsense war.

DATE Sponsors and Executive Committees.

Kindly note that all times on the virtual conference platform are displayed in the user's time zone.

The time zone for all times mentioned at the DATE website is CET – Central Europe Time (UTC+1).

DATE 2022 at a glance!

DATE Programme Overview

DATE 2022 format

DATE 2022 edition exhibits a special format. The first two days (March 14-15, 2022) feature invited live sessions, talks and panels on emerging topics of interest for the DATE, on top of four keynote talks. In the following days (March 16-23, 2022), the scientific papers will be presented by means of a recorded video and authors will attend the online sessions to briefly pitch their work and be engaged in Q & A sessions to discuss their solutions and results. Specific sessions are organized for the accepted Interactive Presentations (IPs), where authors will have the opportunity to introduce the main aspects of their work, and be engaged in further discussions. Moreover, the following activities will take place: the PhD Forum, the University Fair, the Young People Program and the BarCamp, the Multi-Partner Projects, Tutorials and Workshops and the The Diversity in EDA session. On March 17-18 the Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD) will also take place, in continuity with DATE 2020 and 2021.

The conference platform will open one month in advance granting access to the scientific papers (pre-print pdfs) and the associated recorded video presentations, allowing attendees to asynchronously inform themselves on the D, A, T and E papers published at DATE 2022. During the conference week Q & A sessions the authors will be there live to make a brief pitch and ready to engage in conversations and answer questions. Through the platform it is also possible to preliminarily send questions in advance to the authors, to be answered during their session.

The DATE 2022 Programme with all available details is now available at

All Keynotes are available at

All scientific papers from tracks D, A, T and E will be presented by means of a recorded video and authors will attend the online sessions to briefly pitch their work and be engaged in Q & A sessions to discuss their solutions and results.

Specific sessions are organized for the accepted Interactive Presentations (IPs), where authors will have the opportunity to introduce the main aspects of their work, and be engaged in further discussions.

Focus Sessions, Lunch & Afternoon Talks and Panels

During the first two days, talks and panels with experts from Academia and Industry on emerging topics will take place. These talks will cover Quantum and Neuromorphic Computing and Interpretable AI and Nanoelectronics-Based Designs of edge computing systems in the IoT 2.0 Era plus other EDA-relevant topics.


DATE 2022 will celebrate the awardees for their achievements.

Networking Opportunities and Career Development

DATE is a leading European event and a unique networking opportunity for young people, researchers, and industrial partners: three initiatives are planned to foster career development for PhD student and post-doc, to attract future PhD candidates and showcase research areas with new opening positions.

PhD Forum

The PhD Forum is an online poster session hosted by EDAA, ACM-SIGDA, and IEEE CEDA for PhD students who have completed their PhD thesis within the last 12 months or who are close to complete their thesis work. It represents an excellent opportunity for them to get feedback on their research and for the industry to get a glance of state-of-the-art in system design and design automation.

University Fair

The University Fair fosters the transfer of academic work to industry. The University Fair is free of charge for graduate students. It should be noted that the University Fair is not intended for disseminating the results of collaborative projects for which there is a specific section in the exhibition hall. Research institutes and universities interested in demonstrating their mature prototypes and pre-commercial results are invited to submit their proposals.

The Young People Program

The Young People Program is an initiative targeting PhD students with the goal of supporting their career development. PhD students will have an opportunity to present themselves to potential employers from EDA and microelectronics industries. If there is interest from company side, interviews will be arranged during the DATE conference. The initiative also includes activities to improve networking, seminars on how to present themselves effectively to HR representatives, and panels to stimulate discussion on how to publish effectively.


The BarCamp is massively relaxing the formal event structure by letting the participants play an active role in deciding the agenda. With nothing but your knowledge, your interest and your willingness to learn and discuss, you are prepared to join any session. During the sessions we explain, discuss, and jointly develop the topics with everybody's knowledge level taken into consideration.

Multi-Partner Projects

DATE 2022 programme will include one or more sessions dedicated to multi-partner innovative and/or highly-technological research projects addressing the DATE 2022 topics. This includes EU-funded projects (H2020, ECSEL, PENTA, European Innovative Training Networks (ITN), COST Actions, CleanSky projects, ...), country- and region-funded projects, projects funded by the European Space Agency, and research projects funded by industry. Project Coordinators are invited to submit papers presenting preliminary ideas, work in progress, or lessons learned from the project. The Multi-Partner Projects session is an excellent opportunity to present your work to the DATE community and fulfilling the dissemination and outreach obligations of your project.

Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD)

DATE 2022 will host for the third year a two-day initiative on Autonomous Systems Design: Fueled by the progress of artificial intelligence, autonomous systems become more and more integral parts of many Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) applications, such as automated driving, robotics, avionics and industrial automation. Autonomous systems are self-governed and self-adaptive systems that are designed to operate in an open and evolving environment that has not been completely defined at design time. This poses a unique challenge to the design and verification of dependable autonomous systems. The DATE 2022 Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design will include peer-reviewed papers, invited contributions and interactive sessions addressing these challenges.

Tutorials and Workshops

DATE has a long tradition in hosting tutorials and workshops, to offer opportunities to its attendees to be educated on emerging tools and methods, as well as to attend day workshops on topics that might soon impact DATE areas of interest. These activities will be hosted online, to allow a worldwide attendance.


DATE 2022 tutorials are designed to provide audiences with introductions to important topics in DATE technical areas as well as hands-on tutorials on design automation tools. Early career professionals as well as graduate students will benefit from the introductory-level material on these important topics and tools. Mid-career professionals can also benefit from the tutorials to extend their horizons. We welcome submissions for tutorial presentations in DATE technical areas.

Technical tutorials on selected topics will be given by leading experts in their respective fields.


DATE 2022 hosts Workshops on emerging research and application topics in design, application, test, and embedded systems, topics that are not directly covered in the DATE technical programme, but represent new research directions with potential impact on future DATE technical areas.

The Diversity in EDA

The goal of this event is to help facilitate women and underrepresented minorities (URM) to advance their careers in academia and industry, and hence, to help increase diversity in the EDA community. Through an interactive medium, the forum will provide practical tips to women and URM on how to succeed and overcome possible hurdles in their career growth, while at the same time, connecting senior and junior researchers. The event will consist of a panel session on "Addressing career challenges during the pandemic: work-life balance, networking, and more", followed by parallel mentoring sessions.

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