Career Fair – Call for Submissions
Information for Students
The Young People Program aims at bringing together Ph.D. Students and potential job seekers with recruiters from EDA and microelectronic companies. Interested jobseekers have the opportunity to apply to open positions which will be presented by the companies. If a student raises the interest in the position, an online interview will be scheduled.
The following two classes of students are eligible:
- Students who have finished their PhD thesis within the last 12 months
- Students who will complete their thesis work within next 12 months
The Career fair will consist of five phases
- Meet the Recruiter Online Event before DATE 2022 on Wednesday, 02 March 2022 17:00 CET. Recruiters will explain students how to promote themselves effectively and make impact on recruiters
- Before DATE 2022 companies will announce their open positions on HiPEAC Jobs portal as well as submit their five minutes promotional videos on DATE 2022 webpage. The company videos will be published on the __DATE __ website.
- On Wednesday, 16 March 2022 15:30 CET participating companies will present themselves in an online session.
- After the company presentation the students can select on this page for which position they would like to apply and submit their CV and videos
- Company recruiters will reach out to students for arranging a private interview
The Preregistration is open here now!
Required Submission
Please provide your name and email address for participation in the Meet the Recruiter event.
In case of any questions, please submit your query to young-people-programdate-conference [dot] com (young-people-program[at]date-conference[dot]com).
Career Fair is part of the Young People Program. In order to find out other DATE 2022 events for young people, please visit
Information for Companies
The Young People Program aims at bringing together recruiters from EDA and microelectronic companies with Ph.D. Students and potential job seekers. Companies have the opportunity to present their latest research challenges and to promote their brand as the best workplace, to attract interested jobseekers. Additionally, companies adhering to the Young People Program get access to a selection of the most promising Ph.D. students in the EDA field, who will present themselves through a quick presentation and through their CVs. If a student raises the interest of the company, the Young People Program chairs will schedule an online interview.
Following companies are eligible to take part at the career fair:
- Companies which are sponsors of the DATE 2022 conference (participation fee is included).
- Companies which register for the career fair (for participation fee please contact young-people-program
date-conference [dot] com (young-people-program[at]date-conference[dot]com))
The Career fair will consist of six phases
- Before DATE 2022: Companies put a five minutes promotional video and description on DATE 2022 webpage
- Before DATE 2022: Companies upload their open position profiles on HiPEAC Jobs portal
- On Wednesday, 16 March 2022 15:30 CET participating companies present themselves in an online session
- After presenting session students start applying for positions posted on the HiPEAC Jobs portal
- Young People Program Chairs forward the applications to company recruiters
- Company recruiters schedule online interviews with the students
In order to pass student CVs to the companies' recruiters, we ask you to preregister here. Please post your open positions on the HiPEAC Jobs portal with DATE 2022 in the title (e.g. DATE 2022 Internship for ML-development). The CVs will be sent to recruiters' email address, the data will not be published.
Required Submission
Please submit a five minutes video and description in the preregistration form about your company. They will be published on DATE 2022 website. Final submission date is Monday, 14 March 2022 AoE.
In case of any questions, please submit your query to

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Anton Klotz, Cadence Design Systems, DE

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