Dear DATE community,
We, the DATE Sponsors Committee (DSC) and the DATE Executive Committee (DEC), are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragedy currently unfolding in Ukraine, and we would like to express our full solidarity with all the people and families affected by the war.
Our thoughts also go out to everyone in Ukraine and Russia, whether they are directly or indirectly affected by the events, and we extend our deep sympathy.
We condemn Russia’s military action in Ukraine, which violates international law. And we call on the different governments to take immediate action to protect everyone in that country, particularly including its civilian population and people affiliated with its universities.
Now more than ever, our DATE community must promote our societal values (justice, freedom, respect, community, and responsibility) and confront this situation collectively and peacefully to end this nonsense war.
DATE Sponsors and Executive Committees.
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The time zone for all times mentioned at the DATE website is CET – Central Europe Time (UTC+1).
DATE 2022 Executive Committee
Cristiana Bolchini, Politecnico di Milano, IT
cristiana [dot] bolchinipolimi [dot] it (cristiana[dot]bolchini[at]polimi[dot]it)
Ian O'Connor, École Centrale de Lyon, FR
ian [dot] oconnorec-lyon [dot] fr (ian[dot]oconnor[at]ec-lyon[dot]fr)
Ingrid Verbauwhede, KU Leuven, BE
papersdate-conference [dot] com (papers[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Lejla Batina, Radboud University, NL
lejlacs [dot] ru [dot] nl (lejla[at]cs[dot]ru[dot]nl)
Theocharis (Theo) Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY
ttheocharidesucy [dot] ac [dot] cy (ttheocharides[at]ucy[dot]ac[dot]cy)
Ilia Polian, University of Stuttgart, DE
ilia [dot] polianinformatik [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de (ilia[dot]polian[at]informatik[dot]uni-stuttgart[dot]de)
Liliana Cucu, Inria, FR
liliana [dot] cucuinria [dot] fr (liliana[dot]cucu[at]inria[dot]fr)
Robert Wille, Technical University of Munich, DE
robert [dot] willetum [dot] de (robert[dot]wille[at]tum[dot]de)
Franco Fummi, Università di Verona, IT
franco [dot] fummiunivr [dot] it (franco[dot]fummi[at]univr[dot]it)
Aida Todri-Sanial, LIRMM, FR
aida [dot] todrilirmm [dot] fr (aida[dot]todri[at]lirmm[dot]fr)
Anne Matsuura, Intel, US
anne [dot] y [dot] matsuuraintel [dot] com (anne[dot]y[dot]matsuura[at]intel[dot]com)
David Atienza, EPFL, CH
david [dot] atienzaepfl [dot] ch (david[dot]atienza[at]epfl[dot]ch)
Ayse Kivilcim Coskun, Boston University, US
acoskunbu [dot] edu (acoskun[at]bu[dot]edu)
Selma Saidi, Technische Universität Dortmund, DE
selma [dot] saiditu-dortmund [dot] de (selma[dot]saidi[at]tu-dortmund[dot]de)
Rolf Ernst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE
ernstida [dot] ing [dot] tu-bs [dot] de (ernst[at]ida[dot]ing[dot]tu-bs[dot]de)
Antonio Miele, Politecnico di Milano, IT
antonio [dot] mielepolimi [dot] it (antonio[dot]miele[at]polimi[dot]it)
Marco Casale-Rossi, Synopsys, IT
specialsessionsdate-conference [dot] com (specialsessions[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Nanni De Micheli, EPFL, CH
specialsessionsdate-conference [dot] com (specialsessions[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
tutorialsdate-conference [dot] com (tutorials[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Hiren D. Patel, University of Waterloo, CA
workshopsdate-conference [dot] com (workshops[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Alberto Bosio, University of Lyon, FR
workshopsdate-conference [dot] com (workshops[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Gabriela Nicolescu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CA
phd-forumdate-conference [dot] com (phd-forum[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Donatella Sciuto, Politecnico di Milano, IT
donatella [dot] sciutopolimi [dot] it (donatella[dot]sciuto[at]polimi[dot]it)
Graziano Pravadelli, Università di Verona, IT
papersdate-conference [dot] com (papers[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Marcello Traiola, École Centrale de Lyon, FR
papersdate-conference [dot] com (papers[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Ioana Vatajelu, TIMA/CNRS/Université de Grenoble-Alpes, FR
ioana [dot] vatajeluuniv-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr (ioana[dot]vatajelu[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT
young-people-programdate-conference [dot] com (young-people-program[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Anton Klotz, Cadence Design Systems, DE
young-people-programdate-conference [dot] com (young-people-program[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Ioannis Sourdis, Chalmers, SE
university-fairdate-conference [dot] com (university-fair[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, BE / Leiden University, NL
university-fairdate-conference [dot] com (university-fair[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE
multipartner-projectsdate-conference [dot] com (multipartner-projects[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Marian Verhelst, KU Leuven, BE
marian [dot] verhelstesat [dot] kuleuven [dot] be (marian[dot]verhelst[at]esat[dot]kuleuven[dot]be)
Axel Nackaerts, imec, BE
axel [dot] nackaertsimec [dot] be (axel[dot]nackaerts[at]imec[dot]be)
Steven Latré, University of Antwerp, BE
steven [dot] latreuantwerpen [dot] be (steven[dot]latre[at]uantwerpen[dot]be)
Paul McLellan, Cadence Design Systems, US
paulmcadence [dot] com (paulm[at]cadence[dot]com)
Andreas Vörg, edacentrum GmbH, DE
webmasterdate-conference [dot] com (webmaster[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Wolfgang Müller, University of Paderborn, DE
financesdate-conference [dot] com (finances[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Volker Dueppe, DATE, DE
volker [dot] dueppegmail [dot] com (volker[dot]dueppe[at]gmail[dot]com)
Herman Beke, LUCEDA Photonics, BE
herman [dot] bekegmail [dot] com (herman[dot]beke[at]gmail[dot]com)
Aida Todri-Sanial, LIRMM, FR
aida [dot] todrilirmm [dot] fr (aida[dot]todri[at]lirmm[dot]fr)
Hiroyuki Tomiyama, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, JP
htfc [dot] ritsumei [dot] ac [dot] jp (ht[at]fc[dot]ritsumei[dot]ac[dot]jp)
Soonhoi Ha, Seoul National University, KR
shasnu [dot] ac [dot] kr (sha[at]snu[dot]ac[dot]kr)
David Atienza, EPFL, CH
david [dot] atienzaepfl [dot] ch (david[dot]atienza[at]epfl[dot]ch)
Bob Smith, Electronic System Design (ESD) Alliance, US
bsmithsemi [dot] org (bsmith[at]semi[dot]org)
Georges Gielen, KU Leuven, BE
gielenkuleuven [dot] be (gielen[at]kuleuven[dot]be)
Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)
Eva Smejkal, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
date-registrationkitdresden [dot] de (date-registration[at]kitdresden[dot]de)
Jörg Herrmann, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)