Welcome to the DATE 2022 Website

DATE Save the Date 17 to 19 April 2023

Dear DATE community,

We, the DATE Sponsors Committee (DSC) and the DATE Executive Committee (DEC), are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragedy currently unfolding in Ukraine, and we would like to express our full solidarity with all the people and families affected by the war.

Our thoughts also go out to everyone in Ukraine and Russia, whether they are directly or indirectly affected by the events, and we extend our deep sympathy.

We condemn Russia’s military action in Ukraine, which violates international law. And we call on the different governments to take immediate action to protect everyone in that country, particularly including its civilian population and people affiliated with its universities.

Now more than ever, our DATE community must promote our societal values (justice, freedom, respect, community, and responsibility) and confront this situation collectively and peacefully to end this nonsense war.

DATE Sponsors and Executive Committees.

Kindly note that all times on the virtual conference platform are displayed in the user's time zone.

The time zone for all times mentioned at the DATE website is CET – Central Europe Time (UTC+1).

DATE 2022 conference – round three for the DATE community to virtually discuss the latest trends in electronic system design and test.

April 2022

After two years of virtual conference editions, DATE had planned a special format for its 2022 edition, aiming at bringing back the community together again, trying to balance the uncertainty of the situation and the desire to be partially back in presence. A special programme has been organized to start the conference with two days in presence, full of outstanding talks and moments to meet and chat. However, the lasting impact of covid-19 infections across Europe and the consequent travelling/quarantine restrictions adopted by authorities still have a strong impact on the health concerns and travelling opportunities for speakers as well as attendees. After thoughtful discussion, the DATE Committees opted to also move DATE 2022 to a completely virtual event.

As the world’s favourite electronic systems design and test conference, DATE provides an international platform to discuss electronic design, automation, and test, from system-level hardware and software implementation right down to integrated circuit design. This year, the conference was held as a virtual live conference from 14 to 23 March 2022 which offered an exciting, wide-ranging technical programme.

To kick off DATE 2022, Valeria Bertacco (University of Michigan, US) invited the audience to look beyond AI and find societal opportunities in the power of hardware design and electronic design automation in her opening keynote talk. Edoardo Charbon (EPFL, CH) focussed his opening keynote on the development of “Cryo-CMOS Quantum Control from a wild idea to working silicon”.

Initially planned to be in person, DATE 2022 dedicated its first two days to the conference’s focus topics “From Quantum to Neuromorphic Computing” and “Interpretable AI and Nanoelectronics-Based Designs of edge computing systems in the IoT 2.0 Era” as well as sessions the special initiative “Autonomous Systems Design.”

In addition to sessions focussing on these topics, three renowned lunch keynote speakers inspired DATE 2022 participants. Silvia Bodoardo (Politecnico di Tornio, IT) discussed how the future of battery technology can contribute to a greener connected world and Georges Gielen (KU Leuven, BE) explored the edge of edge AI. As part of the special initiative “Autonomous Systems Design”, Wolfram Burgard (TU Nuremberg, DE) presented “Probabilistic and deep learning techniques for robot navigation and automated driving” during his lunch keynote talk.

Following the days of the focus topics, 61 technical sessions provided a discussion platform for subjects from the four areas:

D – Design Methods & Tools

A – Application Design

T – Test and Dependability

E – Embedded Systems Design

as well as results and lessons learned from Multi-Partner Projects (MPPs).

The programme was complemented by the Young People Program which offered several initiatives targeting PhD students with the goal of increasing their visibility, establishing contacts, and encouraging discussions about their future perspectives with experts of the field. This included the PhD Forum, where PhD students were able to present their work, the BarCamp – an interactive open research meeting – a sponsorship fair to seek funding for student projects as well as a career fair with panels about career perspectives. Moreover, the University Fair allowed faculties to promote and advertise open positions for prospective PhD students and researchers.

Delegates also experienced six in depth technical tutorials that covered topics such as energy-efficient AI; hyperdimensional computing; inferencing on embedded systems; PDKs for integrated sensor platforms; high level synthesis for data science applications; quantum computing and approximate computing.

Ten workshops finally rounded off the scientific programme, dealing with various hot topics such as 3D integration; European automotive reliability, test and safety; neuromorphic computing, open-source hardware European alliances and iNitiatives; cross-layer algorithm and circuit design; data-driven applications; silicon life cycle management; ferroelectronics; sustainability and security as well as autonomous systems design as part of the special initiative.

Adding to the scientific programme, DATE 2022 considered social discussions by hosting the forum on advancing diversity in EDA (DivEDA) as well as a panel on how post-pandemic conferences will look like.

The DATE Organising Committees would like to thank all speakers, sponsors, and participants for their contribution to yet another unique edition of DATE and are very much looking forward to hosting DATE 2023 as an in-person conference in Antwerp, BE, from 17 to 19 April 2023 to provide networking moments and social activities finally again for the community.

DATE 2022 Press Contacts

General Chair
Cristiana Bolchini
Politecnico di Milano, IT
cristiana [dot] bolchiniatpolimi [dot] it (cristiana[dot]bolchini[at]polimi[dot]it)

Programme Chair
Ingrid Verbauwhede
KU Leuven, BE
papersatdate-conference [dot] com (papers[at]date-conference[dot]com)

Press and Publicity Chair
Paul McLellan
Cadence Design Systems, US
paulmatcadence [dot] com (paulm[at]cadence[dot]com)

Conference Organisation
Anja Zeun
K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
dateatkitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)

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DATE 2023 Call for Papers

Download the DATE 2023 Call for Papers here!

Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference

The European Event for Electronic System Design & Test

17 – 19 April 2023, Antwerp, BE @ Flanders Meeting & Convention Center Antwerp (FMCCA)

Call for Papers

Scope of the Event

The 26th DATE conference is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors as well as specialists in hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. DATE puts strong emphasis on both technology and systems, covering ICs/SoCs, emerging technologies, embedded systems and embedded software.

Structure of the Event

The multi-day event consists of a conference with keynote talks, regular papers, panels, hot-topic sessions, tutorials, workshops, special focus days and a track for executives. The scientific conference is complemented by a commercial exhibition showing the state-of-the-art in design and test tools, methodologies, IP and design services, reconfigurable and other hardware platforms, embedded software and (industrial) design experiences from different application domains, such as automotive, wireless, telecom and multimedia applications. The organisation of user group meetings, fringe meetings, a university booth, a PhD forum, vendor presentations and social events offers a wide variety of extra opportunities to meet and exchange information on relevant issues for the design automation, design and test communities. Special space will also be allocated for multi-partner innovative research projects to show their results. More details are available on the DATE website: https://www.date-conference.com.

Areas of Interest

Within the scope of the conference, the main areas of interest are: design automation, design tools and hardware architectures for electronic and embedded systems; test and dependability at system, chip, circuit and device level for analogue and digital electronics; modelling, analysis, design and deployment of embedded software and cyber-physical systems; application design and industrial design experiences. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

  • System Specification and Modelling
  • System-level Design Methodologies and High-Level Synthesis
  • System Simulation and Validation
  • Design and Test for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems, and MEMS
  • Design and Test of Hardware Security Primitives
  • Design and Test of Secure Systems
  • Formal Methods and Verification
  • Network-on-Chip and on-chip Communication
  • Architectural and Microarchitectural Design
  • Low-power, Energy-efficient and Thermal-aware Design
  • Approximate Computing
  • Reconfigurable Systems
  • Logical and Physical Analysis and Design
  • Emerging Design Technologies for Future Computing
  • Emerging Design Technologies for Future Memories
  • Power-efficient and Sustainable Computing
  • Smart Cities, Internet of Everything, Industry 4.0
  • Automotive Systems and Smart Energy Systems
  • Augmented Living and Personalized Healthcare
  • Secure Systems, Circuits and Architectures
  • Self-adaptive and Context-aware Systems
  • Applications of Emerging Technologies
  • Industrial Experiences
  • Modelling and Mitigation of Defects, Faults, Variability and Reliability
  • Test Generation, Test Architectures, Design for Test, and Diagnosis
  • Dependability and System-Level Test
  • Embedded Software Architectures, Compilers and Tool Chains
  • Real-time, Dependable and Privacy-Enhanced Systems
  • Machine Learning Solutions for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Design Methodologies for Machine Learning Architectures
  • Design Modelling and Verification for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems

Submission of Papers

All papers must be registered by Sunday, 18 September 2022 AoE (title, abstract and co-authors), the final submission of the paper to be submitted by Sunday, 25 September 2022 AoE (firm deadline) via: https://www.date-conference.com.
Papers can be submitted either for standard oral presentation or for interactive presentation.


General Chair: Ian O'Connor, University of Lyon, FR
E-mail: ian [dot] oconnoratec-lyon [dot] fr (ian[dot]oconnor[at]ec-lyon[dot]fr)
Programme Chair: Robert Wille, Technical University of Munich, DE
E-mail: robert [dot] willeattum [dot] de (robert[dot]wille[at]tum[dot]de)

Conference Organisation

c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden Bautzner Str. 117–119, 01099 Dresden, DE Phone: +49 351 65573-137
E-mail: dateatkitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)

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DATE 2022 Awards

The awards have been announced in the closing session on Wednesday, 23 March 2022. Below is the video of the closing session.


EDAA Outstanding Dissertations Award 2022


Thesis: “High-level Synthesis of Dynamically Scheduled Circuits

Lana Josipovic, Ph.D., EPFL, CH

Advisor: Prof. Paolo Ienne

Topic 3:

Thesis: “Design for Manufacturability and Reliability through Learning and Optimization

Wei Ye, PhD., University of Texas at Austin, US

Advisor: Prof. David Z. Pan

Topic 4:

Thesis: “Revisiting Fault Analysis of Block Ciphers: Attacks, Defenses, and Vulnerability Assessment Frameworks

Sayandeep Saha, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, IN

Advisor: Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay and Prof. Pallab Dasgupta

DATE Best IP Award

XST: A Crossbar Column-Wise Sparse Training For Efficient Continual Learning

Fan Zhang, Li Yang, Jian Meng, Jae-sun Seo, Yu Cao, Deliang Fan, Arizona State University, US

DATE Best Paper Awards

Each year the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference presents awards to the authors of the best papers. The selection is performed by the award committee composed of the Track Chairs, Lejla Batina, Theocharis Theocharides, Ilia Polian and Liliana Cucu and the following members: Steve Dai, Julien Forget Stefano Di Carlo, Elena Gnani, Sebastien Le Beux, Romain Lemaire, Hai Li, Nele Mentens, Maria Michael, Katell Morin-Allory, Gianluca Palermo, Ioannis Papaefstathiou, Christian Pilato, Davide Quaglia, Abbas Rahimi, Francesco Regazzoni, Ahmed Rezine, Rosa Rodrigues, Mohamed Sabri, Peh Li Shiuan, Lukas Sekanina, Olivier Sentieys, Johanna Sepulveda, Nima Taheri Nejad, Marian Verhelst, Arnaud Virazel, Pascal Vivet.

The DATE 2022 best papers are:

D Track

FastGR: Global Routing on CPU-GPU with Heterogeneous Task Graph Scheduler

Siting Liu1,2, Peiyu Liao1,2, Rui Zhang3, Zhitang Chen4, Wenlong Lv4, Yibo Lin1, Bei Yu2

1 Peking University, 2 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3 HiSilicon Technologies Co., 4 Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

A Track

Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design for Efficient Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Learning on Edge

Yang Ni1, Yeseong Kim2, Tajana Rosing3, Mohsen Imani1

1 University of California Irvine, 2 DGIST Republic of Korea, 3 University of California San Diego

T Track

Self-Terminated Write of Multi-Level Cell ReRAM for Efficient Neuromorphic Computing

Zongwu Wang, Zhezhi He, Rui Yang, Shiquan Fan, Jie Lin, Fangxin Liu, Yueyang Jia, Chenxi Yuan, Qidong Tang, Li Jiang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

E Track

Efficient Global Robustness Certification of Neural Networks via Interleaving Twin-Network Encoding

Zhilu Wang1, Chao Huang2, Qi Zhu1

1 Northwestern University, 2 University of Liverpool, Northwestern University

Best Paper Award Nominations

D Track

PowerGear: Early-Stage Power Estimation in FPGA HLS via Heterogeneous Edge-Centric GNNs

Zhe, Lin, Peng Cheng Laboratory

Zike, Yuan, The University of Auckland

Jieru, Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Wei, Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hui, Wang, Peng Cheng Laboratory

Yonghong, Tian, Peking University & Peng Cheng Laboratory

PIMProf: An Automated Program Profiler for Processing-in-Memory Offloading Decisions

Yizhou Wei, University of Virginia

Minxuan Zhou, University of California, San Diego

Sihang Liu, University of Virginia

Korakit Seemakhupt, University of Virginia

Tajana Rosing, University of California, San Diego

Samira Khan, University of Virginia

Full-credit Flow Control: A Novel Technique to Implement Deadlock-free Adaptive Routing

Yi Dai, National University of Defense Technology, China

Kai Lu, National University of Defense Technology, China

Sheng Ma, National University of Defense Technology, China

Junsheng Chang, National University of Defense Technology, China

FastGR: Global Routing on CPU-GPU with Heterogeneous Task Graph Scheduler

Siting Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Peiyu Liao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Rui Zhang, HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. Shenzhen

Zhitang Chen, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Wenlong Lv, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Yibo Lin, Peking University

Bei Yu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CoreMemDTM: Integrated Processor Core and 3D Memory Dynamic Thermal Management for Improved Performance

Lokesh Siddhu, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Rajesh Kedia, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,

Preeti Ranjan Panda, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,

MemPool-3D: Boosting Performance and Efficiency of Shared-L1 Memory Many-Core Clusters with 3D Integration

Matheus Cavalcante, ETH Zurich

Anthony Agnesina, Georgia Tech

Samuel Riedel, ETH Zurich

Moritz Brunion, University of Bremen

Alberto Garcia-Ortiz, University of Bremen

Dragomir Milojevic, IMEC

Francky Catthoor, IMEC

Sung Kyu, Lim, Georgia Tech

Luca Benini, Università di Bologna and ETH Zurich, Italy

AdaFlow: A Framework for Adaptive Dataflow CNN Acceleration on FPGAs

Guilherme Korol, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Michael Jordan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Mateus Beck Rutzig, UFSM

Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Cross-Layer Approximation For Printed Machine Learning Circuits

Giorgos Armeniakos, National Technichal University of Athens

Georgios Zervakis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Dimitrios Soudris, National Technichal University of Athens

Mehdi Tahoori, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Joerg Henkel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

BMC+Fuzz : Efficient and Effective Test Generation

Ravindra Metta, TCS, IN

Raveendra Medicherla, TCS, IN

Samarjit Chakraborty, UNC Chapel Hill, US

A Track

Prefender: Prefetching Defender against Cache Side Channel Attacks as A Pretender

Luyi Li, Nanjing University

Jiayi Huang, University of California, Santa Barbara

Lang Feng, Nanjing University

Zhongfeng Wang, Nanjing University

Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design for Efficient Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Learning on Edge

Yang Ni, University of California, Irvine

Yeseong Kim, DGIST, Republic of Korea

Tajana Rosing, University of California San Diego

Mohsen Imani, University of California Irvine

Bioformers: Embedding Transformers for Ultra-Low Power sEMG-based Gesture Recognition

Alessio Burrello, Università di Bologna

Francesco Bianco Morghet, Politecnico di Torino

Moritz Scherer, ETH Zurich

Simone Benatti, University of Bologna, Italy

Luca, Benini, Università di Bologna and ETH Zurich

Enrico Macii, Politecnico di Torino

Massimo Poncino, Politecnico di Torino

Daniele Jahier Pagliari, Politecnico di Torino

Adaptive Droplet Routing for MEDA Biochips via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Mahmoud Elfar, Duke University

Tung-Che Liang, Duke University

Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Duke University

Miroslav Pajic, Duke University

Accurate Probabilistic Miss Ratio Curve Approximation for Adaptive Cache Allocation in Block Storage Systems

Rongshang Li, University of Sydney

Yingtian Tang, University of Pennsylvania

Qiquan, Shi, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Hui Mao, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Lei Chen, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Jikun Jin, Huawei Storage Product Line

Peng Lu, Huawei Storage Product Line

Zhuo Cheng, Huawei Storage Product Line

T Track

ADD-based Spectral Analysis of Probing Security

Maria Chiara Molteni, Universita' degli Studi di Milano

Vittorio Zaccaria, Politecnico di Milano

Valentina Ciriani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano

Are Analytical Techniques Worthwhile for Analog IC Placement?

Yishuang Lin, Texas A&M University

Yaguang Li, Texas A&M University

Donghao Fang, Texas A&M University

Meghna Madhusudan, University of Minnesota

Sachin S. Sapatnekar, University of Minnesota

Ramesh Harjani, University of Minnesota

Jiang Hu, Texas A&M University

A Cross-Platform Cache Timing Attack Framework via Deep Learning

Ruyi Ding, Northeastern University

Ziyue Zhang, Northeastern University

Xiang Zhang, Northeastern University

Cheng Gongye, Northeastern University

Yunsi Fei, Northeastern University

A. Adam Ding, Northeastern University

Self-Terminated Write of Multi-Level Cell ReRAM for Efficient Neuromorphic Computing

Zongwu Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Zhezhi He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Rui Yang, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Shiquan Fan, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Jie Lin, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Fangxin Liu, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Yueyang Jia, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Chenxi Yuan, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Qidong Tang, Shanghai JiaoTong University

Li Jiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Do Temperature and Humidity Exposures Hurt or Benefit Your SSDs?

Adnan Maruf, Florida International University

Sashri Brahmakshatriya, Florida International University

Baolin Li, Northeastern University

Devesh Tiwari, Northeastern University

Gang Quan, Florida International University

Janki Bhimani, Florida International University

E Track

DTQAtten: Leveraging Dynamic Token-based Quantization for Efficient Attention Architecture

Tao Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dongyue Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Zhuoran Song, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Yilong Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Fangxin Liu, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Zongwu Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Zhezhi He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Li Jiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

MU-RMW: MiNIMIZING Unnecessary RMW Operations in the Embedded Flash with SMR Disk

Chenlin Ma, Shenzhen University

Zhuokai Zhou, Shenzhen University

Yingping Wang, Shenzhen University

Yi Wang, Shenzhen University

Rui Mao, Shenzhen University

GraphHD: Efficient graph classification using hyperdimensional computing

Igor Nunes, University of California, Irvine

Mike Heddes, University of California, Irvine

Tony Givargis, University of California, Irvine

Alex Nicolau, University of California, Irvine

Alex Veidenbaum, University of California, Irvine

AnaCoNGA: Analytical HW-CNN Co-design using Nested Genetic Algorithms

Nael Fasfous, Technical University of Munich

Manoj Rohit, Vemparala, BMW AG

Alexander Frickenstein, BMW Group

Emanuele Valpreda, Politecnico di Torino

Driton Salihu, Technical University of Munich

Julian Hofer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Anmol Singh, BMW AG

Naveen-Shankar Nagaraja, BMW AG

Hans-Joerg Voegel, BMW AG

Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Technical University of Munich

Maurizio Martina, Politecnico di Torino

Juergen Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - ITIV

Walter Stechele, TUM

Efficient Global Robustness Certification of Neural Networks via Interleaving Twin-Network Encoding

Zhilu Wang, Northwestern University

Chao Huang, University of Liverpool, Northwestern University

Qi Zhu, Northwestern University

Cache-Aware Schedulability Analysis of PREM Compliant Tasks

Syed Aftab Rashid, CISTER, ISEP Polytechnic Institute of Porto

Muhammad Ali Awan, CISTER, ISEP Polytechnic Institute of Porto

Pedro Souto, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

Konstantinos Bletsas, CISTER, ISEP Polytechnic Institute of Porto

Eduardo Tovar, CISTER, ISEP Polytechnic Institute of Porto


Ultra-Fast Temperature Estimation Methods For Architecture-Level Thermal Modeling

Hameedah Sultan, Indian Institute of Technology Dehli, IN

Dependable Reconfigurable Scan Networks

Natalia Lylina, University of Stuttgart, DE

DATE Fellow Award

Franco Fummi, Università di Verona, IT

IEEE CEDA Service Award

Franco Fummi, Università di Verona, IT

IEEE CS TTTC Outstanding Contribution Award

Franco Fummi, Università di Verona, IT

Cristiana Bolchini, Politecnico di Milano, IT


These awards have been announced in the opening session on Monday, 14 March 2022. Below is the video of the opening session.

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EDAA Achievement Award 2022 goes to Edward A. Lee

Edward A. LeeThe Achievement Award is given to individuals who made outstanding contributions to the state of the art in electronic design, automation and testing of electronic systems in their life. In order to be eligible, candidates must have made innovative contributions which had an impact on the way electronic systems are being designed.

Past recipients have been Kurt ANTREICH (2003), Hugo DE MAN (2004), Jochen JESS (2005), Robert BRAYTON (2006), Tom W. WILLIAMS (2007), Ernest S. KUH (2008), Jan M. RABAEY (2009), Daniel D. GAJSKI (2010), Melvin A. BREUER (2011), Alberto L. SANGIOVANNI-VINCENTELLI (2012), Peter MARWEDEL (2013), Rolf ERNST (2014), Lothar THIELE (2015), Giovanni DE MICHELI (2016), C. L. David LIU (2017), Mary Jane IRWIN (2018), Jacob ABRAHAM (2019), Luca BENINI (2020) and Georges GIELEN (2021).

Edward A. Lee is Professor of the Graduate School and Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at the University of California at Berkeley, where he has been on the faculty since 1986. He is the author of seven books, some with several editions, including two for a general audience, and hundreds of papers and technical reports. Lee has delivered more than 200 keynote and other invited talks at venues worldwide and has graduated 40 PhD students.

The award will be presented at the DATE 2022 opening ceremony on Monday, 14 March 2022, 8:30 CET.

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DATE 2022 virtual conference platform now accessible for registered participants

The DATE 2022 virtual conference platform is now accessible for all participants. From today on, participants can watch the pre-recorded presentation videos about the scientific papers from tracks D, A, T and E. During the live conference in March, authors will only briefly pitch their work and engage in Q&A sessions to discuss their solutions and results. Please make sure to watch the pre-recorded presentations if you wish to participate in the live Q&A sessions in March. Please refer to the programme overview below if you are not sure which sessions include pre-recorded presentations. The programme overview picture legend shows exactly which sessions include pre-recorded presentations and which are fully live.

All participants who registered and fully paid their registrations fees have received their personal access data via e-mail on 15 February 2022, 14:00 (CET). If you are registered but did not receive your personal access details before 16 February 2022, please contact date-registrationatkitdresden [dot] de (date-registration[at]kitdresden[dot]de)

Upon accessing the personal access link, delegates will be asked to claim their accounts. Please check the necessary boxes, create a password and click "complete profile" (if you wish to enter further details about yourself) or "Continue to App" to directly access virtual DATE 2022.
Kindly note that you may only access sessions/content that is included in your registration, e.g. pre-corded presentation videos are only available for participants who registered for the conference (not tutorial or workshop delegates).

To get to know the virtual platform please thoroughly read our guidelines:

The DATE 2022 virtual conference platform can be reached hereYou may use this video background for the DATE 2022 virtual live sessions. Session (co-)chairs may use this placeholder for the screen share in the beginning of the session.

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DATE 2022 fully virtual event

DATE 2022: fully virtual event -- ONSITE days moved ONLINE

We have been planning a special format for DATE 2022, aiming at bringing back the community together after two editions online, trying to balance the uncertainty of the situation and the desire to be partially back in presence. A special program has been organized to start the conference with two days in presence, full of outstanding talks and moments to meet and chat.
However, the current situation of the covid-19 infections across Europe and the consequent travelling/quarantine restrictions adopted by governments, companies and institutions have a strong impact on our health concerns and travelling opportunities, for speakers as well as attendees.
The "in presence" experience remains a fundamental aspect of any conference and of DATE in the specific, for its many networking moments, as well as for the social activities, however the safety of the community is once more a priority. Therefore, after thoughtful discussion, the DATE Steering Committee opted to move DATE 2022 to a completely virtual event, moving the program of the first two days online also.

Although there is no way to mitigate the disappointment of not being able to meet in person, we trust the rich and interesting program will bring us together online to comment and contribute to the exciting talks and conversations with the speakers and authors of full DATE 2022 program.

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DATE 2022 at a glance!

DATE Programme Overview

DATE 2022 format

DATE 2022 edition exhibits a special format. The first two days (March 14-15, 2022) feature invited live sessions, talks and panels on emerging topics of interest for the DATE, on top of four keynote talks. In the following days (March 16-23, 2022), the scientific papers will be presented by means of a recorded video and authors will attend the online sessions to briefly pitch their work and be engaged in Q & A sessions to discuss their solutions and results. Specific sessions are organized for the accepted Interactive Presentations (IPs), where authors will have the opportunity to introduce the main aspects of their work, and be engaged in further discussions. Moreover, the following activities will take place: the PhD Forum, the University Fair, the Young People Program and the BarCamp, the Multi-Partner Projects, Tutorials and Workshops and the The Diversity in EDA session. On March 17-18 the Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD) will also take place, in continuity with DATE 2020 and 2021.

The conference platform will open one month in advance granting access to the scientific papers (pre-print pdfs) and the associated recorded video presentations, allowing attendees to asynchronously inform themselves on the D, A, T and E papers published at DATE 2022. During the conference week Q & A sessions the authors will be there live to make a brief pitch and ready to engage in conversations and answer questions. Through the platform it is also possible to preliminarily send questions in advance to the authors, to be answered during their session.

The DATE 2022 Programme with all available details is now available at https://www.date-conference.com/programme.

All Keynotes are available at https://www.date-conference.com/keynotes.

All scientific papers from tracks D, A, T and E will be presented by means of a recorded video and authors will attend the online sessions to briefly pitch their work and be engaged in Q & A sessions to discuss their solutions and results.

Specific sessions are organized for the accepted Interactive Presentations (IPs), where authors will have the opportunity to introduce the main aspects of their work, and be engaged in further discussions.

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Sponsorship Fair

The Sponsorship Fair is an innovative initiative of DATE to bring together student teams participating to international competitions with and personnel from EDA and microelectronic companies. The Teams have the opportunity to present their activities, success stories and challenges, and to receive funding and support by the companies for their future activities.

Student teams will present their activities to the DATE attendees. Then, a poster session will follow to allow closer interaction of student teams with EDA and microelectronic companies, to allow discussion of sponsorship opportunities, e.g., in terms on monetary sponsorships, licenses, tutorials.


Student teams participating to international competitions, including but not limited to Robocup, Hyperloop and Carolo-Cup.


  • 10 minutes presentation of student activities in a plenary session with DATE attendees
  • A poster presentation to create contacts with professionals from EDA and microelectronic companies


Submissions closed.


In case of any questions, please submit your query to young-people-programatdate-conference [dot] com (young-people-program[at]date-conference[dot]com).

Sponsorship Fair is part of the Young People Program. In order to find out other DATE 2022 events for young people, please visit https://www.date-conference.com/young-people-program.

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