HiPEAC - European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation

UGENT - ELIS Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
9052 Gent
HiPEAC (High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation) is the premier focal point for networking, dissemination, training, and collaboration activities in Europe for researchers, industry, and policy related to computing systems. Today, its network, the biggest of its kind in Europe, numbers over 2,000 specialists.
HiPEAC’s mission is to advance computer architecture and computing systems research and development as a discipline in Europe. Its objectives are to:
- Secure and strengthen a leading position for Europe in computing systems that support all aspects of modern society by advancing computing systems as a discipline.
- Prepare the next generation of world-class computing systems scientists and engineers in Europe by supporting their academic and professional development.
- Build a dynamic ecosystem for the design and implementation of computing systems in Europe by bringing together European research, industry, small/medium enterprises (SMEs), and policy.
- Align research efforts in computing systems and strengthen research impact in Europe by identifying long-term challenges in computing systems and articulating their impact on modern society.
To join for free email membershiphipeac [dot] net (membership[at]hipeac[dot]net).
For further information visit https://www.hipeac.net/network/#/.